Hannah's Profile

Hannah has a background in both beauty and holistic therapies which gives her a broad 
and varied skill set. 
Having spent time working on cruise ships she returned to her native West Cork to work 
in spa and salon settings all the while continuously studying courses in therapies which 
piqued her interest. 
One of the courses she felt particularly in tune with was Hawaiian origins Lomi Lomi 
 massage.  Lomi Lomi teaches about approaching the body and soul as one unit and
 lends it's self to a beautiful flowing massage using predominately forearm and elbow. 
This had a profound influence on Hannah's treatments and has lead her to develop
 her signature  treatment which is an hour and a half full body massage ending with 
a scalp and face massage.  In this treatment the pressure is varied to suit the clients 
Treatments available with Hannah are:
Lymphatic drainage massage
Indian head massage
IET , integrated energy therapy
Reflexology ( covered by health insurance) 

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